August 9, 2011

A Tale of Three Mirrors

These three mirrors are over my bed.
I call them
"The Splurge",
"The Save",
"The Steal".

"The Splurge" is a Nate Berkus mirror that I bought online for about $80. You know how they say if you have one  GREAT piece (purse, shoes, jacket) in your  outfit that it elevates the whole outfit
(even if everything else is a bargain)? 

 That's what I like about this mirror with it's real bull's-eye seems to bring to other two mirrors "up" in style.
I saw a much smaller mirror similar to this one for $125 recently so it made me feel better about it's value.

"The Save" I also liked when I saw it at Hobby Lobby. I liked it even more when it went on sale and I got it for $25.
Oopps! I don't have a close-up of it but it is the one with wider "bursts"
that have imitation antique mirrors on them. 

"The Steal" (top-most in pic) is one that I made for $13. Before I had a blog, I "goggled" for how to make one and the search turned up a blog authored by a young mother who made a sunburst mirror
with wooden skewers and a simple flat mirror. 

I wanted a little "beefier" mirror than she had used but basically, I used what I remembered from her tutorial to make mine.
I couldn't find the original blog post I saw the tutorial on originally.

The mirror I got was a black plastic one on sale for $12
 at Hobby Lobby.  It is 14" across.

The creators even gave it a bull's eye feel by beveling
the edge of the glass.  I painted it with a couple of shades
 of gold craft paint and painted the skewers ($1 a pack) also. 
I hung "The Save" and "The Steal" a little higher after seeing these photos.
Also, a new accent pillow is in the works.

I won't do a whole tutorial on how to make "The Steal"
'cause there are so many already out there. 
I tried to find the original blog tutorial I used
but couldn't turn it up.  Here is a similar one:

Here is the back of my mirror.  You can probably figure
out how to do it just by looking at the picture.
The only reason that some of the skewers are longer than others on the back is that they 
started to run into each other as they got towards the center of the back of the mirror so I  
just cut the blunt end of the skewer off.  

I started by gluing the longest length of skewer I wanted at the North, South, East and West points on the mirror.
  Mine extended out 7" from the edge of the mirror. 

I did the same length of skewer at the North West,
North East, South East, and South West points.
The back of the mirror is a mess.  The length of the skewers back here doesn't matter to the pattern.
Only go by what it looks like from the front when you are measuring how far out to place the skewer.

Then I graduated down 1/2" for different skewers a few times.  You could figure out a pattern you like. I did do the same pattern in each quarter of the  mirror but in the end there are so many skewers,
 I don't know if it makes a big difference. 
Just in case you need to know in terms of how one of these 
semi-home made starburst mirrors might look on your wall, the final total measurement across on mine is 28" but you could make the bursts longer if you want to.


  1. Very pretty! Love your mirrors and how you've hung them. Such a pretty bedroom.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Love this idea and how you used three different mirrors, now they look perfect together. Looks like a pretty easy project...I think the backside says it all. Your room is lovely!!

  3. Wow girl! You did a great job! I love the grouping.

  4. Gayle, I love the three mirrors grouped together! All of them are wonderful.

  5. Love the mirrors-That Nate Berkus mirror is a wonderful piece. I think that was a good price for it, too! I LOVE the one you made..that was a tedious job, I bet, but it turned out great! LOVE IT! xo Diana

  6. All three are fabulous, you did a great job on the one you made. They look great together.

  7. wow..gorgeous! all look so great together.

  8. Thanks for popping in again! I'm still loving those gorgeous mirrors and you made that one? Oh, my Lord! You're good!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. That is awesome!! I have yet to figure out what to put over our bed.

  10. Oooh, great idea! That is definitely going on my to-make list. Looks cheap and easy, my kind of project! :)

  11. This looks like a room from a design magazine! Good job!! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  12. This is a really pretty collection - very nice job on the one you made (:

  13. Your grouping is very pretty.. genius with the one you made....hugs ~lynne~

  14. That is a very pretty collection. You did a great job arranging them and in making the one yourself.:)

  15. That's pretty dang awesome! You did such a great job. I love the splurge and the save one too!

  16. Whoa! Lovely mirrors. GREAT job!

  17. Beautiful job! I have that mirror in my cube at work, Hobby Lobby? I'd love for you to come link up at my Tuesday Tutorials Link Party! :)

  18. Beautiful! Love the impact of the three mirrors.

  19. Wow, that is a STATEMENT wall- and I love it! I'm "thisclose" to doing a sunburst mirror with sticks myself! Thanks for the nice encouragement, mini-tut and smiles.

    Visiting from Nifty Thrifty Tue linky party at Linda's Coastal Charm today
    ~Suzanne in IL
    PS- LOVE your banner-- those exclamationpoint Kopy Kats are adroable!

  20. Love the mirrors over your bed. They make a great statement. You did a great job on the one you made. I need to rethink what I have over my bed. It's getting boring.
    Marianne :)

  21. I love, love, love your mirrors and would never have thought to stagger them the way you did. Well done! Thank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday this week!

  22. I love this idea! I also love the look of your bedroom! You have great taste!


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