June 8, 2011

Beginners Crochet Group

A group of my friends (that I rarely get to see much anymore) decided to get together so that the one of us who knows ALL KINDS of crafting and needleworking could show the rest of us how to crochet.  We have known each other since we were all having babies and now our babies are having babies.

Our teacher had high hopes that she could show us how to crochet a scarf in one evening.  In two hours' time, none of us got very far.  My "scarf" turned out about the size and shape of a leaf.  I asked if she could just show us how to crochet edging onto a flannel baby blanket for our next meeting (thinking that would be less needlework but still get a usable product out of our work). 

At first, we tried making holes for the crochet hook to go through the flannel with a nail (top right of picture).  The holes close up pretty quickly that way.  It was slow going punching a few holes then trying to learn to crochet through them.  I gave up on that way and started just sewing a blanket stitch with a yarn needle (that maybe someday I will go back and finish off with a crochet trim).
Here is another friend's 2-hour attempt at the punching technique to make holes then crochet.

B.R. stayed with this technique but some of us asked for an even easier route the next week.

Our teacher brought hemstitched baby blankets.  The holes for crocheting a trim are already on the blanket.

The work goes a lot faster with the hemstitched border (but it is more expensive to go this route).

One friend decided to skip the crocheting after the first night and is learning to knit instead.

While we were having dinner, we got the meet the newest grandbaby born to the group.  Isn't he cute?

We rotate turns on bringing a light dinner for the group.  Most of the ladies drink sweet tea but I brought a bottle of wine from my recent trip to Texas wine country.

G. prepared homemade pesto to put on bread, chicken salad, and a fruit salad...SO GOOD.

We meet at B.'s lovely home.  I thought you might like to see a mini "tour of home".  


At one time she had a table here but is trying the foyer without one for now.

Living Room

Dining Room Chandelier


  1. What a great idea, to get together with a group of friends you haven't seen in a long time, and to learn how to crochet. Thanks for the tour of B's lovely home. Her display of plates sure caught my eye. Thanks Miss Kitty for your visit. My posts feeds are not going out so many think I'm not here, but I've been posting all the while.
    You know we're neighbors, I live just up the road from you in T-Town. Maybe we should think about a state meeting, wouldn't that be great. Please visit often....

    The French Hutch

  2. Your crafting evening with friends looks so fun! Your friend's home is beautiful too. I love that chandelier!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment about my wall sconce :)


  3. Such a fun time I'm sure.
    I use to get together with a group before I got married. We would craft all night.

    I loved the mini tour! Your friend has a beautiful home.


  4. I have always thought this would be fun, to have group of gals get together and do crafty things. But we have always lived so far away from home and now that we are back, every one is so busy. I might just have to plan a night anyway and see who shows up!!

    I'm working on a Granny Square blanket right now. Learning as I go.



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