November 7, 2016

2016 Fall Mantel Vines Gone Wild

For the past few years I have wanted the pumpkins that
 decorate the Fall book shelves and mantel to have
 longer and longer (looking) stems each year. 

Fall 2016 Mantel has culminated in "Vines Gone Wild"!
I tried to make the mantel and bookcase area look like
the pumpkins had their original vines from the field
still attached. 

It might be TOO wild for some but I like it. 

The centerpiece of the large vignette is the art print
made to look like a painting. I like to change out the
art over the fireplace seasonally and this is the Fall one. 

 It is way too hot in Alabama to light the fireplace. These faux wood slices hide the black box.

I got the vines from the woods.
The pumpkins are a mix of heirloom pumkins 
and artificial ones. 

This is the single bookcase side of mantel area...

This is the double bookcase side...

At night the automatic led candles come on and add
a pretty glow to the area. 

On the other side of the living room is a console that has
some wild vines and pumpkins also.

From this pumpkin pile-up, you can see into the dining room.
If you would like to see it decorated for Fall, you can click
on this post. 


  1. I always KNEW you had a wild side to you, even though you act pretty tame! lol Love it, Gayle. I think it is fun and different...rustic and refined at the same time. Those shelves look beautiful all lit up. I bet it is gorgeous after dark. Hope you have a great week. I am off to a new job this week....we'll see how that goes. lol xo Diana

  2. Love this Gayle! You have such a beautiful style!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. This is darling.


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