December 29, 2014

The "Eyes" Have It...Most Viewed Posts of 2014

At a Haven blog conference that I attended one of the speakers
was talking about how to get more "eyes" and "eyeballs" on our
blog posts. I had not heard that term before but here are the posts
on this blog that had the most "eyes" on them in 2014.

There were actually two different posts on the same subject...
making carrot door hangings out of deco mesh but with differing
mechanics underneath. If both of these numbers of views were
combined, the deco mesh carrots would be the top viewed post.

While I was making the first carrot I thought about trying
another way of making the mechanics for attaching the mesh
and made another tutorial using a coathanger and floral wire mesh.

The one post with actually the most views is a craft/party item
that I made for my new grand daughter's baby shower.
It is tiny candy pacifiers made with life savers and jelly beans.

A project that I totally copy catted from StoneGable blog
('cause I just loved the look) is to make pillow covers from
old sweaters.

I'll be getting those sweater pillow covers out again very soon. 

Although I had done a blog post back in 2012 about  how to 
submerge flowers in vases full of water, I wanted to try an
easier/prettier way of keeping the flowers under water. 
I used my Valentine flowers to experiment again in 2014.
This is a great way to make flowers go a long way in decorating.

A blog post that surprized me when I was looking back to
 see on the blog's stats which posts got the most views for the
 year was the post about making faux terrariums.
  When it first came out it did not have many views but it, 
like most of these posts, grew in views thanks
 to Pinterest and Google searches during the year.

Thanks for coming by to see the most viewed posts for the
2014 on Miss Kopy Kat blog! If you would like to see some
 posts that didn't get as many views as the ones above but ones
that I think deserve another look, click on this link...
Miss Kopy Kat's Favorite Posts of 2014

I am sharing this post over at these blog parties...
Between Naps On the Porch's Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life's Inspire Me Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday
From Gardners 2 Bergers' Handmade Hangout
The Answer Is Chocolate's BFF Open House Link Party
The Shabby Nest's Frugal Friday


  1. Great selections for the eyes having it! I love reading about all of your wonderful creations and I'm going to try making a faux moss terrarium using "purple" moss I found at JoAnn's. I've been racking my brain as to what I can make with it and this would be perfect adding different types of small purplish color plants with it.

  2. I'm so glad these "eyes" found your amazing projects! I may have to copy one of those carrots this spring!

  3. It's sure not surprising that those posts had lots of eyes on them! Keep up the great work.

  4. I've never worked with deco mesh, but I love how your projects turned out! Happy New Year! :)


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